Six Tips for Your Dating Profile Pics

Looking for love online? As a photographer who's not only helped many New Yorkers put their best face forward in their dating profile photos but also found love online myself, I've gathered some insightful tips to help you reveal the real you. If you're looking for picture-perfect advice that can lead to a love connection, swipe right!

Use Professional and Casual Photos:

You shouldn’t only use professionally taken photos. My advice is to mix your professional photos with casual and candid shots that capture you laughing with friends or enjoying your hobbies. This allows you to offer unposed moments and all sides of you! The photos below are a good example of posed and pro vs. candid. Both have a purpose and a place but a mix is always best. If you are looking for advice on how to prepare for a professional photoshoot check out this blog.

Don’t Over-Edit Any Photos:

With photo editing tools readily available, it's easy to give in to the temptation to tweak and enhance profile pictures. However, when it comes to dating profile photos, less is definitely more.

Authenticity should be at the forefront of your profile. You want potential matches to recognize you when you meet, not feel surprised by a significant difference between your online appearance and real life. Feel free to enhance the brightness or color balance, but steer clear of filters or adjustments that change your fundamental appearance.

Your photos should present the real you, not an idealized online version. People are drawn to what's genuine and can sense when something doesn't seem right. Over-editing may send the wrong message and create an impression of dishonesty.

Embrace your unique features and let them be seen. Those little quirks and individual traits are what make you, you. Letting them shine through in your photos ensures that the connections you make online are based on a true understanding of who you really are. It’s about creating trust from the start and paving the way for a sincere relationship.

Use Feedback and App Tips:

Utilizing feedback on your photos isn't just smart—it's essential in crafting a dating profile that truly resonates. If certain pictures are garnering more likes or attention on dating apps, those are the ones you'll want to highlight. Conversely, images that aren't getting much traction may need to be swapped out.

Don't underestimate the value of friends' opinions either. Sometimes, it's hard to see ourselves objectively, and a trusted friend can provide insights into how others might perceive you through your pictures. They can help you select photos that not only look great but also tell your story and represent who you are.

Some dating apps also offer analytics or tips on how to improve your profile, and these can be surprisingly insightful. They might point out which photos are getting the most engagement or offer suggestions on what types of photos to include.

Remember, the goal here is to present yourself in the best possible light while staying true to who you are. Continuously learning from feedback and app insights ensures that your profile remains fresh, appealing, and an authentic reflection of you. It's a dynamic process, but one that can lead to more meaningful connections and ultimately, to finding the right match.

Real Smiles, Real You:

Fake smiles can often feel forced or insincere, and they rarely make for compelling profile pictures. In contrast, allowing your true emotions to shine through in your photos creates an authentic and attractive representation of yourself. Whether it's a genuine smile that reaches your eyes or a thoughtful, introspective look, being yourself in your photos makes a difference.

When you showcase real emotions, you invite viewers into a more genuine experience of who you are. People are drawn to authenticity; it creates a sense of trust and connection that a staged photo might not achieve. So, don't be afraid to laugh heartily or to look pensive if that's what you're feeling at the moment.

If you're working with me as a photographer, I’ll make sure to make sure that we take the time to get comfortable. I’ll also offer tips on how to smile with your eyes so your smile doesn’t look forces. Remember, your dating profile is a window into your life, and real smiles offer a glimpse of the real you.

Photos of Your Hobbies:

Including pictures of yourself engaged in your favorite hobbies, be it reading, hiking, painting, or anything else that sparks your passion, adds a delightful and personal touch to your profile. These images provide a glimpse into what you love to do in your free time and can serve as fantastic conversation starters.

Showing off your hobbies doesn't just make your profile more visually appealing; it gives potential matches a deeper understanding of your interests and what makes you tick. Someone who shares or appreciates these hobbies is more likely to feel a connection, and it opens up natural pathways for engaging and meaningful conversations.

Rather than merely listing your interests, photos of your hobbies bring them to life. They make your profile more relatable and approachable, helping to paint a picture of the person behind the profile. By sharing what you're passionate about, you invite others to connect on a deeper, more authentic level.

Choose the Best, Not the Most:

Pick only a few standout images for your profile instead of a whole bunch of okay ones. Selecting a few top-notch photos allows you to put your best foot forward and present yourself in the most flattering light. Remember, these images serve as an introduction to who you are, so they should accurately represent your personality and appearance. While it might be tempting to include many photos to showcase different aspects of your life, too many images can overwhelm potential matches and even create confusion.

Choose photos that genuinely resonate with who you are and what you're looking for in a partner. Your pictures should convey your personality, interests, and uniqueness. Think of your profile pictures as a carefully curated gallery rather than a cluttered bulletin board. By focusing on quality and choosing the most engaging and authentic photos, you'll make a stronger and more memorable impression on potential matches.

Your dating profile pictures should reflect who you really are. By following these tips, you'll present your best self and attract people who will appreciate you for you. Happy dating!

Abrahm Shearer

Abrahm Shearer is a seasoned event and portrait photographer based in New York City. He is the owner and driving force behind Shearer Portraits and Winning Creative Agency. As an artist and highly rated photographer, Abrahm has an eye for details and makes his subjects feel confident and comfortable. In addition to his work in photography, he is also the owner of Winning Creative Agency, a full service marketing agency. Having built an amazing team, Abrahm enjoys sharing his expertise and insights with clients across the United States. For more information on his work or to book a session, visit

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