My Approach to Event Photography

Event photography encompasses a wide range of occasions, from personal celebrations to corporate gatherings, with indoor and outdoor settings making each event unique. Despite these differences, my approach to event photography remains consistent. To illustrate these objectives, let's dive into an amazing event with Blues Dance New York.

  • Fulfilling Client's Requests: At every event, I prioritize capturing images requested by the client. Sometimes it’s key moments of group shots. In the case of the Blue’s New York event, it had everything to do with the band, Big Frank and Mike Smith’s Album release party.

  • Unveiling the Event's Essence: My focus is on uncovering the core essence of the event. My goal here can be complicated especially at a dance party. Largely these photos should give the audience a complete sense of what it is like to be at the event. The photo below accomplished this as I took this right as a song was starting. You can see dance partners staying together while others are introducing themselves to their new partner which was an important element of the event. The crowd, lighting, and the motion in the photo were all intentional.

  • Discovering Unique Perspectives: To add depth to my work, I seek out unique perspectives that showcase the event from unexpected angles. These shots offer fresh viewpoints and add my personal touch. I don’t always find it but it’s a lot of fun when I do. The photo below was taken during the intermission when two professional dancers gave an exhibition. I chose a wide and low angle and slow shutter speed. Not taking anything away from the dancers but, the audience enthralled by the dancing was the what I wanted the photo to be about.

  • Eliciting Emotions: My photographs aim to evoke genuine emotions, capturing both candid and posed moments that reflect the participants' joy, excitement, and heartfelt connections. This one is huge in event photography as it can be extremely easy to find or much more difficult to uncover but there is always someone at any event who will display passion. This photo was a bit blurry and in many ways not a great photo but, it’s one of my favorites from the night because I caught her in a real moment. For me, these are my favorites.

  • Fostering Meaningful Connections: Interacting with event attendees is crucial in my approach. I make a conscious effort to engage with participants, putting them at ease and allowing their authentic selves to shine through.

  • Finding Joy in Photography: Above all, I hold the belief that enjoying the process is essential so, I approach each event, embracing the joy of photography. This not only allows me to connect better with participants but also creates a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for everyone involved.

In conclusion, my approach to event photography centers on capturing meaningful moments that go beyond mere documentation. By understanding the event's essence, finding unique perspectives, and fostering connections, I create a visual narrative that resonates with both clients and participants. Embracing the joy of photography, I aim to provide an unforgettable photography experience at every event I shoot. You can check out more of my event photography work here.

Abrahm Shearer

Abrahm Shearer is a seasoned event and portrait photographer based in New York City. He is the owner and driving force behind Shearer Portraits and Winning Creative Agency. As an artist and highly rated photographer, Abrahm has an eye for details and makes his subjects feel confident and comfortable. In addition to his work in photography, he is also the owner of Winning Creative Agency, a full service marketing agency. Having built an amazing team, Abrahm enjoys sharing his expertise and insights with clients across the United States. For more information on his work or to book a session, visit

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